Wednesday, February 3, 2016

my blog is about a game that are teacher let us do. first, is multiplication chart and is about an array. second is 20 minutes st math after you win a pencil from the pencil box. third is that is that you do khan academy and complete a recommendation next is ar test 80 or 100 pursent . last, is about research a question about what we learn today and write it on your journal and  10  minutes extra recess.                                                          by yudanis mina
Today  I got to look at chumash  artifacts it was reallyly  cool  and hard because there were lots of suggestions  but finally we did it there was horns of a deer that was the coolest and a brush they used to dust acorn  shells
                                           by phoebe

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

hoy estamos aprendiendo de tiburones  aprendimos que  los tiburones tienen seis aletas y existe un tiburon que se llama tiburon ballena  y es como una ballena pero es un tiburon eso es lo que yo aprendi de tiburon ballena y tiene mas de cincuenta dientes y los tiburones comen cosas como leones marinos y focas. por Fatima
Hello today I'm going to tell you about a project. Me and my friends are making
a poster to save the ocean and we are raising money to buy stuff to pick up trash
around the beach and that's how I'm  going to help the ocean.